mad money links on

Monday, June 12, 2006

week of 6/12 on mad money

Here is one of the links which Yahoo puts on Monday but generally is invisible later. Today it is about 10 Top-rated stocks with low P/E ratios from Investor Business daily. Another interesting link I have found is 50 small-cap stock picks from cnn-money.

mad money on 6/14 It is time to clear out of ethanol stocks according to Cramer. He thinks there is more hype than the real potential here. Cramer also thinks that the market is going down because of the increase in margin debt. Here is a link from NYSE margin debt report. Nothing interesting about individual stocks today.

mad money on 6/13 Cramer thinks sooner or later people will start bargain hunting. He thinks natural gas stocks are oversold. Carizzo Oil & Gas Inc (NYSE:CRZO) is the best bargain right now according to Cramer. Another bottom stock with 52 week low is Reader's Digest Association Inc(NYSE:RDA). This seems to have a 3% yield right now but it is in print media. Cramer also thinks 3 companies which have lot of cash are Apple computer (NASDAQ:AAPL), CNOOC Ltd (NYSE:CEO) and Schering-Plough corporation (NYSE:SGP). Another speculative play on ethanol is MGP Ingradients Inc( NASDAQ:MGPI). MGPI CEO is on the show.

mad money on 6/12 These days Cramer is talking a little bit more about trends in stock market. Today its about finding bottom for stocks. He thinks the tech stocks are not bottom right now because they are still trading with high P/E. Houston exploration (NYSE:THX) is a bottom. WCI Communities Inc (NYSE:WCI), a high end builder is at a bottom right now. He thinks Tivo (NASDAQ:TIVO) is a tradeable stock right now though not a investible one (dont really know whether it is a buy or not). Personally I think Tivo would be bought by someone but I dont really think they would pay up. There seem to be some news about Cramer's speculative favorite Crystallex International (AMEX:KRY) which may not be getting the chance to mine in Venezuala due to political situation over there.


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