mad money links on

Monday, January 30, 2006

1/30 to 2/4 mad money recaps

Last week was very good with 2 25% moves right after Cramer recommended them. The stocks were NMTI ( up 30% today ) and REDF. But this week also sounds interesting with ACAD. Here are the links

2/3 mad money show link ERTS( electronic arts, really?), LM( potential new business for pre-paid tuition funds), PALM(huh, is that company in business?).
BTW, today RHEO( occulogix which Cramer recommended only a few days ago) tanked big time.
2/2 mad money show link LIFC(skin care company with very little competition), HXL(Hexcel, a lightweight carbon fiber maker for lighter planes) like ATI(alleghany tech which Cramer recommented a month ago), Ormat(ORA a geothermal energy maker)
2/1 mad money show link BKHM(Bookham, Optical component play), BBBB(Blackboard, classroom company). BTW the show is from Harvard and featured future NY Governor and classmate of Cramer, Eliot Spitzer.
1/31 mad money show link Best US manufacturing companies FLR, CMI(Cummins), CAT (Caterpillar),DOW( Chemical), DE ( Deere ), BA (Boeing), NUE( Nucor ), UTX(United Technologies), IR(Ingersoll Rand), and TM( Toyota Motor ).

1/30 mad money show link ACAD(Acadia Pharmaceuticals), AAUK(Anglo America) a gold play(Is cramer talking to lot of indians or what? ), TRinity (TRN) a locomotive company.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

week of 1/21 to 1/27

This week my highlights are NMTI(high risk/reward), PSO( low risk/reward), REDF and OMN( both shot up the next day, but might come back).

This link is now available at which shows archived versions of mad money
Links of mad money archives at

1/27 mad money show link NMTI (NMT medical inc) is supposed to be a migraine play which could go to $100 if their stuff gets approved, CNQR( concur technologies ), and NDAQ( Nasdaq stock exchange, supposed to rise on instinet take over and general bull market).

1/26 mad money show link CVS (Albertson buyout play), Omnova solutions(OMN) a new chemical that has the potential to replace Teflon, First cash Financial Services(FCFS, a pawn shop and bankruptcies play, i will stay away from it )
1/25 mad money show link Sirenza microdevices ( a sirius derivative play ), WG (Willbros Group), Reliance in india ( REDF, Indian Google/Yahoo is really up today so more indian stocks) surprised to hear an indian stock (no ADR) on mad money, Cramer developing big following in India or what?
1/24 mad money show link DA(Yogurt company - Danone), REDF (Rediff, Indian Google? ).
1/23 mad money show link GILD, OS, PSO. PSO looks good.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

mad money links on

I have started watching "mad money" some time last year after I got TIVO from DirectTV. Some stock picks are good in this show but I seem to lose track of them after a while. This is to consolidate the links and also add some notes to the show.

Another reason is I normally dont buy the next day but for couple of days to get it cool down a little and then buy. But then, sometimes i just forget the recommendation. This page is to help me to refresh my memory. It is not easy to navigate both the website and it is not easy to search for this without knowing the date and stock ticker. I am also not sure how long keeps these stories.

1/20 mad money show link
1/19 mad money show link PRAA, VAR ( bought VAR at 54.61 on 1/21 ). Dont know much about bio-tech but these days they are seeing huge popups with some good adoption.
1/18 mad money show link SKS and some italian, norwegian stocks.
1/17 mad money show link TEVA and hutchison whampoa bay( a hongkong port play)

1/13 mad money show link X (US Steel), ISE(International Stock Exchange), MC( Panasonic )
1/12 mad money show link RHEO(Occulogix), FLR( Flour )
1/11 mad money show link ZGEN(Zymogenetics), MYOG(Myogen) this years biotech winners
1/10 mad money show link MRX(Medicis Pharmaceutical), GRMN (Garmin), Mirant( MIR)
1/09 mad money show link MSA ( Mine safety appliance )